Hunchback Fish


This fish looks like it is related to a lot of different fish, but they didn’t do breeding too good. This fish looks very uncomfortable. It also looks like it might be a Steelers fan.

That island in the background looks pretty nice. I wonder how much property would sell for out there. I wonder if fish ever try to sell their homes. I know they live in certain places. I wonder if they ever give that away. Sure would be nice. I’m sure it would be a good idea to teach animals about possessions. It doesn’t cause any trouble for us.



This is one of them dang ole sharks. He’s the kind you always see. Keeping hard working other sharks down. This shark is always there when you think about sharks. He should really be put in his place. He was found here

I’m starting to hate fish. What is there to know about them? How different can they be? They live underwater. Some of them have funny colors. Other ones have fins that are surprising. Show me a singing fish. Show me a fish that knows physics. This is the dumbest thing a blog can be. God is this all there is? This isn’t what I signed up for. FISH!

Bunch o Fish


That’s a lot of fish. They all look the same too. I wonder if they can tell each other apart. I wonder if I’m being fish racist. Best not to dwell on that thought. This is a fish blog. Then again, these fish could really overwhelm me if I was being hateful. I’ve really written myself into a pickle here. Time to look at where I found the fish

I wonder if these fish know where they’re going or if they are just following that one guy in the front and only he knows where they’re headed. Or maybe not even he knows. Maybe swimming is harder than it looks and fish are just mostly going where the flow of the water takes them. After all, fish don’t have arms and legs like humans do, and that’s what we use to swim. Maybe we evolved arms and legs so we could not only walk, but to also swim even better. No way to know how evolution works. Not if you’re no scientist. I’m no scientist. I’m a blogentist.

Halloween Fish


This is a peacock fish. This fish looks like those cool fans that geisha use. This fish probably has a heart that is cold as ice. This fish would sacrifice anything. This fish was found here

If this fish comes to your aquarium you might have bad luck. I’m just saying black cats are bad luck and I don’t know why. Black fish might be the same way. They definitely are if enough people say they are. Anything is real if enough people say it. Sometimes you can lose yourself by listening to what people say about you. Sometimes you need to actually listen to people when they say things about you because you are being harmful. It’s tough to know when is when. That’s one of the challenges you are born with when you are human. Fish don’t have to worry about that. They can only be, they can’t choose how.

Unicorn Fish


Look at this mystical thing. A tail that looks like fire! Crazy blue eyes! Yellow face! And a crazy fin that looks like a horn! This is an amazing fish. This is a fish only the imagination could create. This picture was found here

This fish should be on the flag of the world. When we finally get rid of all that nationalism and become a planet sized country. This fish represents what we want to represent. What a majestic creature. Planet Earth should have had a whole episode on this fish. This fish just blows my mind. I can’t say much more. This is peak fish.

Paint Fish


Unlike other drawings of fish featured on this blog before, these fish are still living. This isn’t the only way we can see them. These fish in particular may be dead, if this painting captured real fish, but the type of fish this is is not extinct. This fish lives in a bunch of aquariums and zoos and restaurants and gardens. This fish has a lot of homes. The home for this picture was here

These are some pretty good fish. They are docile. They have unique patterns on them. Some people probably call them the snowflakes of fish. I don’t. I call them the fingerprints of fish. Somebody on the radio the other day said the veins in our hands are even more unique than our fingerprints, but I like having my veins inside my hands, so I’ll keep letting the police fingerprint me when I’m suspected of crimes. Sure the ink makes a mess, and you feel like a criminal, but you don’t want them messing with your veins. How would you know where to put them back? You’d probably have to hire a surgeon, and they have busy schedules! No need to rock the boat. Stick to the classics.

Fat Fish


Haha woah. We’ve got the fish version of King Hippo over here. Just give this little guy a crown and the image is complete. What a goofy looking fish. I also like that this man can’t let his fishing rod touch the ground like it is as sacred as the American flag. Gotta have standards. Picture found here

The tail of this fish is pretty cool too. It is a different color than the rest of the fish. This is probably so he can send messages to other fish. Fish texting is pretty primitive. They use dance to communicate. This leads to an interesting society. The best orators are actually the best dancers. George Lucas was pretty accurate in his portrayal of fish people. He wasn’t being racist or making a stupid character. He was trying to perfectly put fish people on the screen for the world to see. His genius was wasted on us.

Nowhere Fish


This is a neat looking fish. More importantly, it looks like it lives in Scarlett Johansson from Under The Skin’s house. An empty void is this fish’s home. The ocean is a large wide open space where you can really get to know yourself. This vast area of nothing is a place where you can really lose yourself. Picture courtesy of

This is a good fish. Those eyes are empty and soulless. That body is fish like. The mouth is hanging open like the fish has something to say but he isn’t sure where to butt into the conversation. Or he’s just simpleminded and always has his mouth hanging open. This is the kind of fish you are looking for when you go out on those fishing safaris. You are just hoping to get a glimpse of a fish like this.

Hungry Shark


And there he is! The original shark! The one that told all of us to be afraid of sharks. We’ve found him again. Today is the day we tell him that sharks are not scary and we are not afraid of him and the stories he told us about scary sharks. I found him here

Or, you know what, he looks like he’s busy. I mean, he’s in the middle of lunch. I don’t need to be going and interrupting him. What if he gets mad at me for ruining his meal? I don’t want a shark getting mad at me. What if he lashes out? That would be terrifying. I wouldn’t know how to deal with a shark coming at me like that. Let’s tell this shark we aren’t afraid of him or any other shark some other time. I don’t need this shark to know about me.