Blue Shark


This shark seems to have captured everything there is to be in a shark. If you were to imagine a shark it would be this one. She really realized what being a shark is about. I found this picture here

Look at that dark outline, those sharp colors, that defined body. This is a champion of the sea. This shark has to be one of the top sharks. Also the bottom of the sea looks really cool here. The sand looks like another layer of water. The sand is grouped in a really interesting way. This is just a really good picture overall. Cool shark, cool ground, clear colors. All involved parties really did their job here. Have a nice Friday.

Nightmare Shark


This is what nightmares are made of. This is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. I don’t want to ever see this thing in real life. I’m going to assume it is a photoshop fake thing so I can believe it doesn’t exist in the world. This makes me very unhappy, and I blame

What else is there to say? Sometimes you have terrible thoughts, and then you remember that you’re just imaging things. You remember, oh right, the world doesn’t quite work like that. I’m going to be ok. This shark flies in the face of your ease. This shark reminds you that sometimes, the world is a big scary monster and you’re along for the ride. This shark lives to scare people and make us remember that we barely know anything. I hope I never see this thing again.

Baby Shark


This is a little itty bitty tiny shark. I don’t know what kind of fish this shark eats. Other fish are much bigger than him. Or maybe this is just a trick like Hollywood plays. Like in the Lord of The Rings movies where some actors looked bigger or smaller than others but they were all around the same size. The picture is found here, the truth of the shark might not be

A fish Lord of The Rings would be too complicated. There are a billion, give or take a few dozen, different types of fish. They would each have to have their own different back stories and homelands and all sorts of junk. The books would be something like 10 billion pages long. No doubt people would read it, it would just be too arduous a task for a person to write it. Can you imagine having to make up stories about that many different types of fish? It would be exhausting. You’d burn out. You’d hate fish eventually. What a terrible fate that would be.

Soft Round Shark


This fish looks downright cuddly. All of his edges are nice and smooth. The look on his face is kind of amusing. This could be the fish delegate to the UN. I found him here

Maybe this shark is a part of a new ad campaign for sharks. Maybe he’s trying to show you that they’re not so bad. Maybe it’s a trap. There’s no way to know. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, fish do not speak English. We just can’t talk to them. It is very hard for us to know their intentions. It is like this with all animals really. Ms. Goodall figured out how to talk to monkeys, which was really cool, but any other animal is going to be pretty tough going. So there you go. Take a chance with the animals. You could be Jane Goodall; you could be Timothy Treadwell.

T-shaped Shark


This is the weirdest shark. It raises so many questions. Why did it turn its face into a flatbread sandwich? Why is it swimming with its mouth open so wide? How does it use those holes where eyes should be. I guarantee you won’t find answers here, but you’ll find the picture

If you’re ever feeling down just look up this fish. It’ll be good for a laugh and you’ll feel better in no time. It’s not usually a good thing to get your worth from comparing yourself to others and belittling them, but this isn’t someone, it’s somefish. You can feel ok about that. You could compare yourself to all sorts of dumb animals and feel good about yourself. No moral quandary there. Be nice to people though. People can make up scary revenge plans that take years and cripple you. People can be scary. If you were afraid of Jaws you will be terrified when you find out what people are capable of.



This is a shark. Sharks are fish. It is Shark Week now so I’ll be posting shark pictures. This is the first one. I found it here

I once heard that sharks cannot go backwards. How could any fish? How would a fish swim away from its face? It doesn’t seem that hard to turn around in the water. You don’t need to be able to go backwards when doing a 180 is super easy. Some people would try to tell you that the shark is an inspiration because of its inability to go backwards. Those people are wrong. There is benefit in looking back on what you have done. Learn from your history. Learn from other peoples’ history as well. Learn as much as you can. Sharks need to reassess their gameplan.

Toothy Fish


This fish looks worse than Lisa without braces. This fish must have eaten rocks for dinner every night and also not flossed or brushed his teeth ever. This fish knows absolutely nothing about dental care. This fish snuck up on me when I was reading the Gray Lady

The other parts of this fish aren’t too messed up. It has eyes and fins and a tail. If this fish just keeps his mouth closed around strangers he can get pretty far. People will just assume his competence because they haven’t found any evidence of his incompetence. You can get pretty far by just keeping your mouth shut. Who knows, maybe this fish will be fish comptroller one day. The facade of ability is a great tool. Use this advice wisely fish.

100 Fin Fish


The camera that took the picture of this fish must be super strong. This is a really clear photograph. A lot of HD available here. I found the picture here×768/

And what a fish for this master camera to capture! It has fins on top of fins. This fish is a work of art. The tail is goofy looking too. Some very thin white lines with big black dots every now and then. I have no idea how this fish does anything. There are so many fins that would get in the way. This fish reminds me of Edward Scissorhands. It was hard for him to do things as well. But other things, like hedge trimming, were very easy for him. I wonder what tasks this fish is very good at. Maybe he’s good at scratching other fishes’ backs. Maybe those fins are sharp and this fish politely scrapes other fishes’ itches. I wonder what fish do when they itch. Probably just swim into rocks I guess.

Neon Fish


Something about this fish makes me think about Kenny G’s solo in the hit song Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. I found the picture here

This fish looks pretty bored about the fact that he looks like the lights on the Las Vegas Strip. This fish should have a bunch of other fish around it. Fish are attracted to light. I mean some fish are. They should be all over this fish. This fish should be brandishing weapons in the middle of the day to keep those fish away. This fish needs to act like it is crazy so it can be left alone. Instead, it is allowed to just look bored and float around the sea. Sometimes the world doesn’t work the way you think it would.

Spooky Scary Fish


This is another one of them fish with window bodies. You can see all of his bones and those muscles that outline his body. To be honest, I thought there would be more muscles. Good for fish. Able to make us think they’re ripped when they’re actually just hollow. You might be able to find more secrets where I found the picture

It’s neat that the fins are see through as well. The fish really committed. The eyes aren’t see through, but that I understand. You can’t make your whole body translucent. We learn that one at a young age. A lot of dreams are crushed when we are young. We have really cool imaginations and we don’t know how the world works. Our parents and other adults are there to tell us when ideas we have are real stupid. They teach us to aim for the attainable and not try to cartwheel down the hallway. They teach us that having surgery on our eyes to make us have vision like a bird is unfeasible and also an abomination of an idea. This fish missed those lessons. This fish decided one day that he would show everyone what he had inside of him and then he went and did it.